
Forgiveness is a favor for your FUTURE

I get it, forgiveness is hard! Many times we get mentally hooked on experiences and decisions we have had throughout our lives. Therefore, these experiences may have made us change something about ourselves, our perspective on life or our view on the things that lie ahead. These could also be decisions that we made in life that caused a negative outcome, or created a twist in our path in life that was highly unexpected. We hold...

Reframing Regrets

One night while my husband and I were still dating, we were doing that annoying thing where you ask each other all these getting to know you questions. Me being the analytical person that I am, I found this list of 100 questions that you should ask you partner, and we just partnered off down the list answering questions and learning about each others quirks and tendencies.   I love to talk and am really...

Change is good, change is God

Making any type of change can be stomach-wrenching. But change is necessary for us to progress and be successful in life. Change happens without us even noticing it sometimes, but most times we do and we overthink and overreact. Recently, my life has consisted of MANY changes, all that have made me to be a better woman, a better nurse, and a better person overall. The first change of many was moving to Georgia right...

Congratulations, Ashley!

Sorry for the motion sickness, but we had to bring it back!   After massive celebrations last week, and a super dee-duper awesome announcement the week before, we’re pulling out the cartwheels and confetti yet again to say—   Congratulations, Ashley!!   Clinical intern for Temple Fit Co’s nonprofit arm Temple Fit Health, Inc.,  Ashley has been a great addition to our clincal missions team this semester. However, we’re no stranger to Ashley’s unique brand of...

Congratulations, Demarco!

We thought all of our AWESOME NEWS was reserved for last week. However, we’re rolling out the cartwheels and confetti today as well to say—   CONGRATULATIONS, DEMARCO!!     Digital marketing extraordinaire Demarco has been an intern with Temple Fit Co. & Temple Fit Health, Inc., since summer 2017. A 3rd-year Florida State University (FSU) Information Communication Technology student, Demarco customized this sparkling new website (you like?) and sent our SEO through the roof! (We’re...

I’m Struggling Today…But Not Ashamed

Today, I knew I had a long shift. I’m scheduled to work the pharmacy at Walgreens from 11:30 am-8:30 pm, which is practically all day.  I am getting use to the idea of making my meals and snacks for the day. So after a breakfast of oatmeal with strawberries and banana, I packed some healthy snacks to get me through my work day. Quick snacks for the day Cherry tomatoes Celery and peanut butter Small...

#GoPlayList: 5 Songs for the Last Leg

Nothing gets you moving like the right music. Whether it’s buzzing through laundry on a Saturday morning, or busting a move in the mirror before you head out for the day— Music sets the pace for the lives we live. Music can also make the hardest workout, even the hardest day, not completely suck! So we’ve summoned up our DJ skills (eer-eh, eer-eh), and curated our favorite playlist for the last leg. Think of that...

Win Your Day in the #First15Minutes

When the alarm goes off at 6 am, you’re off to the races!! Perhaps you hit snooze a few times too many, and now that perfectly paced morning routine has turned into a heart-pounding search for a matching shoe and car keys.   After such a chaotic start, it’s no wonder we have a vendetta against every red light and school bus on the way to the office. This attitude takes over the morning, as...

Win at Life in 2018–Get the Right Coach!

There are few things that make or break a team like having the right coach.   The coach is the visionary, the mentor, the honest feedback, and the encouraging word just when you need it.   Once we leave organized sports in high school and college, many of us leave these life-changing role models behind. But why? Our favorite singers have coaches, our most beloved actors have coaches, and our revered athletes have coaches, yet...

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